CFP Board Ethics:
Author of Who Can You Trust With Your Money?, Bonnie Kirchner, CFP®, MST, presents “CFP Board Ethics: enhancing your ethical intelligence”. Having experienced firsthand the devastation caused by an unethical former CFP® Practitioner, Ms. Kirchner discusses the implications of ethics lapses and how they impact all of us. This session will cover the CFP Board's required learning objectives regarding the changes in The Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct and qualifies for two hours of ethics CE credit.
Starting Over:
What to do when the Unexpected Hits: As a Boston-based TV and radio financial personality, Bonnie Kirchner was used to giving the daily business news with her practical and relevant approach for the everyday consumer . . . until she became the news due to her then husband’s revelation of creating the biggest Ponzi scheme in the country. Due to her association, she was dramatically thrown into having to rebuild her career and life. This program empowers participants to:
Get through crisis big or small – we all have them
Turn an unexpected crisis into an opportunity
Rebuild financial frameworks for long-term success
Leverage resources to make the best decisions
Who Can You Trust With Your Money?:
An uncertain stock market, a forever changed employment dynamic and devastating financial scams have wreaked havoc on financial plans and the fiscal psyche. This workshop teaches participants to:
Measure their own fiscal fitness and fix what’s broken
Determine if they need financial help, where to get it,
and how to protect their money in the process
Conduct critical financial conversations with loved ones
Mind over Money for Students:
Heading toward the finish line of graduation is very exciting. But do you possess the necessary life skills to step effectively away from “the nest”? Too many young people make unfortunate financial mistakes which create challenging – and even devastating – ramifications. .
This session will help them understand:
Basic financial concepts as a necessary foundation for savvy decision-making
How to manage money and stay out of trouble
How to invest in themselves now for long-term payoffs
Various financial topics and custom programs are available upon request.
Speaking fees are determined by program selected, package customization, and potential travel required. Contact us for more information.